How Catalog Sync Works

Layers ensures your product catalog is always current by using Shopify’s robust Webhooks and Bulk Operations. Whenever you create, update, or delete products, these changes are automatically reflected in Layers.

Subscribed Webhooks

Layers listens to the following Shopify Webhooks to maintain synchronization:

  • product/create: Triggers when a new product is added to your Shopify store.
  • product/update: Fires when any changes are made to existing products or their related items like variants or metafields.
  • product/delete: Activates when a product is permanently removed from your Shopify catalog.
  • collections/create: Triggers when a new smart or custom collection is created in Shopify.
  • collections/update: Triggers when smart collection rules or custom collections are updated in Shopify.
  • collections/delete: Fires when a smart or custom collection is deleted from Shopify.

Synced Content

The synchronization includes all active products and variants, as well as associated media that are published to your primary storefront. It also encompasses all product metafields specified under the Storefront configuration.

Configuring Catalog Sync

To adjust your catalog sync settings:

  1. Navigate to the Configuration page on the Layers dashboard.
  2. Select the Storefront tab.
  3. Here, you can choose to include out-of-stock products in the sync process.

Configure Export schedule

By default your entire catalog is resynced from Shopify every eight hours. To adjust this schedule:

  1. Navigate to the Configuration page on the Layers dashboard.
  2. Select the Export Schedule tab.
  3. Here, you can schedule exports using CRON expressions.

Synchronization Process

Upon receiving a webhook notification, Layers performs the following steps:

  1. Verification: Confirms the validity of the webhook event.
  2. Data Fetch: Retrieves the latest information on the affected products.
  3. Index Update: Updates the search index to reflect the new or changed data.

Troubleshooting Sync Issues

If you encounter issues with catalog synchronization, consider the following steps:

  • Check Webhook Settings: Ensure that Layers has the correct permissions.
  • Review Product Status: Verify that products are active and published to the correct storefront.


Q: How often does catalog sync occur? A: Synchronization happens in near real-time following the triggering of any subscribed webhook events. Additionally every eight hours the entire catalog is bulk exported from Shopify.

Q: Can I manually trigger a catalog sync? A: Yes, you can initiate a manual sync via the Layers dashboard if needed.

For more information or if you require assistance, please get in touch with our support team.